Laboratory Facilities
The Cognitive Computing Lab is currently located in the Center for Computational Cognition and Perception (C3P0 or CCCP, depending on who you ask), on the top floor of the Geological Sciences Building, between the Luddy School of Informatics and Computing, and the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences.
The lab is equipped with 20 individual subject testing booths o run behavioral experiments. We have an SR Research Eyelink 2K remote optics high-speed eye tracker for experiments in reading and visual attention tracking. The system allows both monocular and binocular tracking at up to 2000Hz (a data point every half millisecond). The lab also features a Biological Motion Capture system (Gold), and state-of-the-art conference room and breakout room facilities.
Computing Facilities
The lab is well-equipped with computational clusters for simulation work, and we do most of our large-scale simulations on Indiana's supercomputers. The laboratory is very well supported with large-scale computational infrastructure to perform particularly complex and data-hungry development of computational cognitive models and artificial intelligence.